How to send messages over Wi-Fi? Learn Benefits and How It Works


Text messaging, or SMS (Short Message Service), has become a popular means of communication, with 64% of consumers preferring it over email, voice calls, or direct mail.

For businesses, SMS offers numerous advantages, including instant communication, reliability, cost-effectiveness compared to phone calls, and the ability to facilitate easy mass communication.

Traditionally, we send text messages using cellular networks. However, there is growing interest in sending SMS over Wi-Fi, which offers enhanced security, cost-saving opportunities, and better coverage in areas with poor cellular reception.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons to consider sending SMS over Wi-Fi, the methods to do so for both iPhones and Android phones, and the benefits and limitations of using Wi-Fi for SMS communication.

But first…

Why Should You Send Messages via Wi-Fi? 

The biggest benefit of this is that the recipient doesn’t necessarily need to be connected to Wi-Fi to receive the SMS, as the message will be delivered over the cellular network.

That said, ensure you have an adequate internet connection when using VoIP texting to ensure smooth and reliable message transmission.

Can I send an SMS over Wi-Fi?

Yes, it is possible to send SMS over WiFi.

However, the feasibility depends on the type of mobile phone you have and the cellular network provider you use.

To send SMS over Wi-Fi, you’ll need to use a third-party app for texting. This is because both iOS and Android devices typically rely on cellular networks for traditional texting.

Though some providers support Wi-Fi calling and texting, making it a viable option for sending messages through the Internet.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) also helps with texting. Services like Messente allows users to send texts over Wi-Fi, which are then delivered via a cellular network.

What are the Benefits of Sending SMS Over Wi-Fi?

More Security:
Sending texts over WiFi typically involves encryption, making it more secure compared to traditional cellular networks.

Save Costs:
WiFi calling and texting can help reduce expenses, especially for international communications or in regions with expensive cellular plans.

Better Coverage:
In areas with poor cellular reception, WiFi calling and texting can provide better connectivity.

How to Send SMS messages over Wi-Fi using an iPhone? 

For iPhone users, the built-in messaging app, iMessage, allows sending texts over the internet without relying on cellular reception.

iMessage is free for texting other iPhone users but requires an iOS device and doesn’t support texting Android users.

How to Send messages over Wi-Fi using Android? 

Some Android devices support Wi-Fi calling. They allow users to send texts over Wi-Fi.

However, not all Android phones have this feature. Their users need to use third-party apps for WiFi texting.

What are the Top Wi-Fi SMS Apps? 

Sure, here’s a list of top Wi-Fi SMS apps:

  • Google Messages
  • Textra SMS
  • Pulse SMS
  • Mood Messenger
  • Handcent Next SMS
  • Chomp SMS
  • Signal Private Messenger
  • mysms SMS Text Messaging Sync
  • EvolveSMS

Sending messages over Wi-Fi via VoIP Texting

VoIP texting allows users to send SMS messages over Wi-Fi using an SMS service provider like Messente. Messages are delivered to recipients over the cellular network, eliminating the need for Wi-Fi on the receiving end.

How to Send SMS Over Wi-Fi Using VoIP Texting?

Here are the steps… 

  1. Choose the Best VoIP Service Provider
    The provider should be offering the best SMS capabilities. Examples of VoIP service providers that support SMS are:
  • Messente
  • Twilio 
  • Plivo
  • Vonage
  1. Sign-Up & Subscribe:
    Create an account first. Now, subscribe to their SMS service. Don’t be afraid to provide some information. The above-mentioned services are trustworthy. Go ahead with ease. They may also require Payment details.
  2. Get Your VoIP Number:
    Once you’re subscribed, they’ll assign you a VoIP number. This number will be your sender ID for the SMS messages you send.
  3. Time to Write, Simple:
    Using the provided VoIP platform or API, compose the text message you want to send. Include the recipient’s phone number, your VoIP number (sender ID), and the content of your message.
    Note: The process might be a bit unusual, but you’ll get accustomed soon.
  4. The Sending might be Different:
    Click the send button or use the appropriate API call to transmit the message and the recipient will receive your SMS on their phone, just like a regular text message.
  5. Receive SMS Replies:
    When the recipient responds to your SMS, the reply will be forwarded to your VoIP number. You can access it through your VoIP service or API.
  6. Manage SMS Campaigns (Optional):
    If you’re running a business, some VoIPs offer features to manage and automate SMS campaigns, such as scheduling messages and handling bulk SMS.

NOTE: Please make sure you follow the terms and conditions of your VoIP service provider. You should also comply with the regulations when using VoIP texting for commercial or mass messaging purposes.

Also, remember that the exact steps and options may vary depending on the specific VoIP service provider you choose. So, consult their documentation and support resources for detailed instructions.

What are the Pros & Cons: Sending SMS over Wi-Fi with Third-party Apps

What are the Pros? 

As said earlier, save costs. As much as $30 a month in most cases, especially for international communications or in regions with expensive cellular rates.

Then, enjoy more coverage. Use Wi-Fi calling and texting to connect with people across regions where cellular networks may not be working. 

Maintain more privacy as these third-party messaging apps use encryption to safeguard message content. They provide better security compared to traditional SMS that goes via cellular.

Third-party messaging apps often work across different operating systems (e.g., Android, iOS). So, they you to communicate with friends using different devices.

Some third-party apps, like Vonage, offer additional features like video calling, file sharing, group messaging, and stickers. So, they truly enhance your messaging experience.

Get multi-device support with such apps. Connect smartphones, tablets, computers, and whatnot. 

What are the Cons of Wi-Fi Messages?

  1. App Dependency:
    Both the sender and recipient need to have the same messaging app installed for communication. This can be a huge limitation.
  2. No SMS Support: 
    While these apps allow messaging over Wi-Fi, they often don’t support traditional SMS. That means communication is limited to other app users.
  1. Difficult Phone Book Management:
    Managing contacts across multiple messaging apps is cumbersome. Users must keep track of different messaging platforms for different contacts.
  2. Heavy Data Usage:
    Sending messages over Wi-Fi still consumes data. On the other hand, not using a secure Wi-Fi network might bring concerns about privacy.
  3. Battery Drain:
    Some messaging apps may consume more battery power, especially if they are running without a stop.
  4. Limited Reach:
    These apps may not have the same wide reach as traditional SMS. This is because not everyone may be using the same messaging app.
  5. Least Reliability:
    The reliability of messaging apps may vary, and if there are issues with the app’s servers or internet connection, messages may get delayed or, even, not delivered.
  6. Compatibility Issues:
    Certain messaging apps may not be compatible with all devices or operating systems. They can limit communication between users with different devices.

Ultimately, the decision to use third-party messaging apps for Wi-Fi texting depends on individual preferences, network coverage, and the willingness of contacts to adopt the same app.

Users should consider the pros and cons mentioned above to determine whether these apps align with their communication needs and preferences.

FAQs: Sending Messages over Wi-Fi 

How do I text using Wi-Fi on Android?

To text using Wi-Fi on Android, you can use various messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Google Messages, which allow sending messages over Wi-Fi instead of using cellular data.

Can you text over Wi-Fi on Samsung?

Yes, you can text over Wi-Fi on Samsung smartphones by using messaging apps that support Wi-Fi messaging. They are Samsung Messages, WhatsApp, or other third-party messaging apps.

How can I text SMS from the internet?

You can text SMS from the internet using web-based SMS services or messaging platforms. Some examples include Google Voice, MightyText, or web extensions for your phone’s default messaging app.

They allow sending and receiving text messages from your computer or other internet-connected devices.

Wrapping it Up:

Sending SMS over Wi-Fi comes with many benefits, including enhanced security, cost savings, and improved coverage in areas with poor cellular reception.

iPhone users can utilize iMessage for Wi-Fi texting, while some Android devices support native Wi-Fi calling.

That said, users can opt for third-party messaging apps or VoIP texting services for Wi-Fi messaging.

As you look for more efficient messaging methods, SMS over Wi-Fi continues to stay on top of your attention. Consider it.

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