New Emirati Family Data Service

Emirati Family Data Service

New Emirati family data services is replacing the old family book
methods. The law came on 13th May 2024 when the government of UAE
introduced the new “Emirati Family Data Service”. It is a new modern
family keeping system that has replaced the old Emirati family book
system. This new service introduced by UAE government, marks a
significant improvement so data could be saved through new format. It is
available for all Emirati families in the United Arab Emirates. This new
system is updated and has been made functional. The new system will be
implemented in May 2024. Emirates can access it online or through smart
applications. The official website is ICA and it is also called as Federal
Authority for Identity, citizenship, customs and Ports Security. Lawyers in
, might not help you here. But they can provide the more
information if needed. They can help you for understanding. The UAE
National Attorneys in Dubai, can help better than other attorneys because
they are also UAE Nationals. Being UAE Nationals, they are, Emiratis and
they can share their personal experiences too.

Launch New Service

The latest “Emriati Family Data Service” has been officially launched by
federal authority for identity, citizenship, customs and post-security. It is
also called ICA. A new system service has been lodged, and implemented,
for this family data service. Therefore the new service is fully recognized.
All Emirati family members have to shift to this new system. Family-
related information is fully safe and secure here. There is no issue of
Every Emirati family member will have his own account at the ICA portal.
The status can be easily checked over there. All the relevant information
can also be easily checked over there. The new web portal and smart
application is also made very much user-friendly and comfortable. It can
be easily visited, registered, updated, understood and used.

A brilliant digital portal

The new system has been implemented with an aim of providing quick
access to data. The new system has been introduced, for Emirati family
members so they can have access to digital mediums now. The new system

is easy and user-friendly. It is quick and faster than old methods. It is
centralised where all the data is linked with on central hub monitored by
the government.
ICA makes sure that Emirati family members have electronic digital
accounts. It provides them quick access and there will be no loss of data or
any family book. Once, you just have to go online to update the data or grab the
details. ICA also confirms that all the old data with ICA has been shifted
to new online digital accounts.

Terms and Conditions:

  • There is no change in terms and conditions.
  • There is just a change in access.
  • It was through a book keeping system before and it has been shifted online now.
  • It is a modification to the old system, so it is a new system, not a new law.
  • OLD information will be shifted by ICA itself.
  • All the previous terms and conditions are still applicable.


UAE government aims to provide ease and support to its citizens. Now
UAE government is shifting everything online so the process of serving
the citizens along with residents could be improved. The process of
creating ease for the citizens could be improved. Therefore UAE
government has aims to digitalize everything in the next few years. The
better access to information and resources will help the citizens to live
better and explore new opportunities. This new law is one of the
examples of all the advancements created by the UAE government.

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